
Ecole polytechnique at the University of Nantes (EPUN, France): Teaching staff from the Ecole Polytechnique at the University of Nantes set up and organized the first course in Decisional Computing Engineering (Ingénieur en Informatique Décisionnelle) recognized by the Commission for the Title of Engineer in France. The team participated in the creation of the Master's ECD . Its members do their research at LINA (Laboratoire d’Informatique de Nantes Atlantique), a laboratory recognized by the CNRS (French national centre for scientific research) in the field of Knowledge Discovery and Management. The list of the main participants is composed of:

  • BRIAND Henri, Professor Emeritus, specialist in information systems and knowledge management;
  • KUNTZ Pascale, Full Professor, specialist in discrete mathematics and graph theory, and their application to data mining and knowledge management;
  • LERAY Philippe, Full Professor, specialist in Bayesian Networks and their application to data mining and knowledge management.
  • GUILLET Fabrice, Full Professor, specialist in data mining (pattern interestingness and visualization) and knowledge engineering (ontology modeling aand matching); Representative of the EPUN in the consortium;;
  • LEHN Remi , Assistant Professor, specialist in data mining, rules of association and models of representation for knowledge;
  • BLANCHARD Julien , Assistant Professor, specialist in data mining, knowledge visualisation, quality measures;
  • PICAROUGNE Fabien , Assistant Professor, specialist in networks, software engineering and distance learning;
  • HARZALLAH Mounira , Assistant Professor, specialist in Knowledge Modelling and Engineering;
  • TRICHET Francky , Assistant Professor, specialist in Semantic Web and Knowledge Engineering;
  • RASCHIA Guillaume , Assistant Professor, specialist in Database and Information Retrieval;
  • MARINICA Claudia, Lecturer, specialist in data mining;
  • PIGEAU Antoine, Assistant Professor, specialist in software engineering;
  • ROYER Zahra, Assistant Professor, specialist in probability, statistics and applications to bank and insurance;
  • GOLDSZTEJN Alexandre, Research associate, specialist in optimization and continuous constraints;
  • PRZYBYLSKI Anthony, Assistant Professor, specialist in Multiobjective Optimization and Discrete Constraints.
EM DMKM is a project funded by the European Union - The content of this site is the sole responsibility of the EM DMKM Consortium